Average Weekly Full-Time Earnings ($)
Industry Average $
1 Mining $2,812
2 Media and Telcos $2,271
3 Finance and Insurance $2,202
4 Professional Services $2,140
5 Utilities $2,098
6 Public Administration $1,947
7 Education $1,905
8 Construction $1,786
9 Transport $1,772
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Average Weekly Full-Time Earnings ($)
Industry Average $
10 Health and Social Services $1,764
11 Property $1,686
12 Wholesale Trade $1,678
13 Arts and Recreation $1,647
14 Manufacturing $1,583
15 Admin $1,569
16 Retail $1,354
17 Personal Services $1,333
18 Hospitality $1,294
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Which Group Am I In?
The ABS uses broad industry classifications, which means there is a lot of earnings variation within each industry and in some cases a lot of very different jobs, especially in Professional Services and Personal Services. If you’re not sure where your industry is on this list, it may be in one of those two industries. Professional Services includes law, accounting, marketing, engineering, IT and scientific research. Personal Services includes beauty workers, personal trainers, dry cleaners, sex workers and maintenance and repairs workers. The latest ABS data also did not include figures for the agriculture industry.