
The Federal Government says Australia is on track to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.
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How close is Australia to its climate goals?

The Federal Government says Australia is on track to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.

Blackouts aren't predicted to occur in the renewable energy transition
Economics Latest News Science

Experts are hopeful blackouts won’t occur in renewable energy transition

Blackouts aren’t predicted to occur in the renewable energy transition, with a new report downgrading forecasts of “reliability gaps”.

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek blocked plans for offshore wind farm.

Offshore wind farm plans blocked in Victoria

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has rejected plans to build a terminal as part of an offshore wind farm project in Victoria.

COP28 Dubai

Here’s everything you need to know about COP28

Talks at the COP28 in Dubai have wrapped up with an historic pledge for countries transition away from fossil fuels.

Student climate strike

Thousands of students skip school for climate strike

Thousands of school students across Australia are taking a sick day from school today to strike for stronger climate action.

Children climate crisis

Would you have children in a climate crisis?

More people are choosing not to have children in a climate crisis because of “eco-anxiety”, according to a review by PLOS Climate.

el niño may

Is Australia on track to reach net zero by 2050?

Last year, the Australian Government legislated to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

bom confirmed el niño

It’s official: the BoM has confirmed El Niño is underway

The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) has confirmed an El Niño weather event is officially underway.

why is it smoky in sydney

Sydney has been covered in a blanket of smoke. Why?

Controlled burns are taking place across Sydney to minimise the risk of future bushfires. This is why it’s smoky in Sydney right now.

The Daily Aus podcast

Welcome to Earth’s new chapter

You may not have heard of Crawford Lake in Canada… because at first glance, it’s really just a sinkhole. But for those in the know, this little body of water holds the key to understanding humanity’s impact on the planet: from hydrogen bomb tests to the use of fossil fuels. In today’s deep dive, TDA’s deputy editor Emma Gillespie is going to share with us what secrets have been discovered so far and what it all means for humanity.

The Daily Aus podcast

A win or a warning for the Great Barrier Reef?

UNESCO has delayed its decision to classify the Great Barrier Reef as ‘in danger’, welcoming steps from the Australian Government to protect the reef. While the Government has been quick to call this a win, this doesn’t mean the reef is in the clear, with UNESCO noting more regular and severe coral bleaching events as a cause for concern. In today’s deep dive we’ll look at what’s going on with the reef and what UNESCO’s decision actually means.

Europe petrol and diesel car ban

Europe will ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035

Petrol and diesel cars will be banned in Europe by 2035. This will be to meet its climate targets, but there’s a clause for one fuel source.

IPCC climate change report says the world is not on track to limit climate change

We’re not on track to limit climate change: IPCC report

A major new IPCC climate change report warns the world is not on track to avoid dangerous and irreversible warming. How can we change course?

A global agreement has been reached to protect 30% of the world's land and waters by 2030

A global agreement has been reached to protect 30% of the world’s land and waters by 2030

A United Nations conference has concluded with a global agreement to protect 30% of earth’s land area and 30% of its marine area by 2030.

Here's what happened in the Victorian election

Here’s what Victorian politicians are promising on climate change

Like many state and territory governments, Victoria has its own targets for emissions reduction and for the use of renewable energy.

Australia's Top Polluters to Cut Emissions 5% Annually Until 2030

The Federal Government has delivered the first ever climate change statement

It says Australia is not on track to meet its new emissions reduction targets

Why 2 Degrees of Warming is a Big Deal for Coral | The Daily Aus

Why 2 Degrees of Warming is a Big Deal for Coral

How To Save The World's Oldest Rainforest

How To Save The World’s Oldest Rainforest

Climate: Australia Ranks Where!? The Governments Fighting Climate Change

Climate: Australia ranks where!? The governments fighting climate change

Climate: The 3 Changes YOU Can Make to Help Prevent A Climate Disaster

Climate: The 3 Changes YOU Can Make to Help Prevent A Climate Disaster

Climate: Why 120 World Leaders Gathered In Scotland At The Same Time

Climate: Why 120 world leaders gathered in Scotland at the same time

Climate: Understanding Net Zero In 1½ Minutes

Climate: Understanding net zero in 1½ minutes

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