Higher education

The Federal Government’s HECS indexation changes have passed Parliament.
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The Govt has passed its legislation to wipe $3 billion in HECS debts

Indexation is an annual increase applied to student debt to reflect inflation (rising prices). New legislation means indexation cannot exceed the lower rate of either inflation or wage growth figures.

The Government wants international student enrolments capped at 270,000 next year.
Latest News Politics

International students could be capped at 270,000 next year

The Government wants international student enrolments capped at 270,000 next year, in a bid to reduce migration.

HECs debt indexation changes have been introduced to Parliament
Latest News Politics

The Government is introducing a bill to change HECS debts today

The Government will introduce changes to the way HECS debt is calculation through indexation in Parliament today.

Male university professor writes math equations on a black board
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Australian university staff have been underpaid by $382 million

The total amount could surpass $400 million by the end of the year, according to the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU).

year 12 retention

Year 12 retention on the decline

The ‘retention rate’ refers to the number of full-time Year 10 students who continue their schooling to Year 12.

The Daily Aus podcast
News Politics

A shakeup for Aussie unis

Following a review into higher education, the Federal Government has shed light on planned reforms for the university sector, including scrapping a rule that excludes some students from HECS. With a focus on improving regional access, creating more inclusive campuses and boosting First Nations enrolments, TDA journalist Tom Crowley explains what you need to know in the deep dive.

Should paid work be added to teaching degrees
News Politics

Australia’s prospective teachers could have paid work added to their degrees under a government-backed plan

Should paid work be added to teaching degrees? Australia’s Education Ministers have backed a paid employment plan for prospective teachers.

When do I repay my HECS debt?
Economics News Politics

When do I have to pay my HECS back? All your questions answered

We learned this week that HECS debts are set for their biggest increase in decades. How do the debts work? Here’s all you need to know.

News Politics

Labor has announced a $1.2 billion University and TAFE funding plan if it wins the next election

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