
Global warming and pollution are more life-threatening than drug abuse, war and terrorism, new research has found.
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How bad is climate change and pollution? New study shows impacts

Global warming and pollution are more life-threatening than drug abuse, war and terrorism, new research has found.

Parking SUV Paris

Parking fees will triple for SUV drivers in Paris

SUVs are taking up more space on Paris’ roads. SUV drivers in the city will now pay triple the parking fees of smaller vehicles.

California oil lawsuit
News Politics World

California opens lawsuit against oil companies

California has commenced a lawsuit against some of the world’s biggest oil companies, alleging they hindered climate action in the state.

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek blocked plans for offshore wind farm.

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has rejected a coal mine proposed by Clive Palmer

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek rejects Central QLD Coal’s mine near Great Barrier Reef, citing pollution risks. First major coal project refused by Fed Environment Minister after public consultation. Government assesses coal projects case-by-case.

A new study has found there is more plastic waste in the world than ever before

A new study has found there is more plastic waste in the world than ever before

New study reports alarming increase of plastic waste worldwide, with 139 million metric tonnes of single-use plastic in 2021. Report names the worst offenders and recommends solutions.

Australia's Top Polluters to Cut Emissions 5% Annually Until 2030

Australia’s biggest polluters will be forced to reduce emissions by 5% every year until 2030

Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen has announced a Federal Government plan to lower carbon emissions for Australia’s largest emitters.

The ozone layer is on track to make a full recovery by 2066

The ozone layer is on track to make a full recovery by 2066

A report commissioned with support from the United Nations has found that weakened areas of the ozone layer could be fully recovered by 2066.

A global agreement has been reached to protect 30% of the world's land and waters by 2030

A global agreement has been reached to protect 30% of the world’s land and waters by 2030

A United Nations conference has concluded with a global agreement to protect 30% of earth’s land area and 30% of its marine area by 2030.

Why 2 Degrees of Warming is a Big Deal for Coral | The Daily Aus

Why 2 Degrees of Warming is a Big Deal for Coral

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