The average Australian watches porn for the first time before their 14th birthday, according to a new report from the national violence prevention organisation Our Watch. They surveyed nearly 1,000 young people aged 14 to 20 to learn more about the impact of pornography on young people. Nearly three-quarters of respondents said porn is degrading to women, and that it shows aggression and violence against women. A third of respondents said they use porn to educate themselves about sex. So, does it matter, and should we care? Our Watch warns online porn can negatively affect young people’s attitudes towards gender, sex and relationships. And, it can lead to violence. Our Watch CEO Patty Kinnersly joins us in today’s deep dive to talk us through the report’s findings.
You can find more resources from Our Watch here. Read the full report here.
Call: 1800 737 732
Hosts:Emma Gillespie and Billi FitzSimons
Guest: Patty Kinnersly, Our Watch CEO
Producer: Orla Maher